Psychohistorians discuss world events, past and present, on the Official IPA Discussion List.
To join, go to this website and click on “Join This Group”:
This Online Discussion List consists of about 1500 people globally who apply psychohistorical theories and applications to current and past historical events. There are lively debates and discussion threads. Jerrold Atlas is the List Moderator. Members include a public list of 500 scholars and interested others and a list of 1000 politicians, political aides, journalists, media experts and business leaders. Daily posts average about 12.
Digital Archives of Psychohistory
In addition, you may wish to visit the following web sites on the Internet:
Project NoSpank on the Web at, is the website of Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education. It is a resource for parents, students, educators, education policymakers, healthcare providers, children’s advocates, and all others who are concerned with the safety and well-being of children. It includes an extensive collection of articles about corporal punishment by leading experts, current and past, with selections useful to a broad spectrum of students ranging from middle school level to postgraduate level. Links to related websites and notices of new books on the subject are included. A section called The Newsroom reproduces selected relevant current news items and maintains an archive. A section called Christians for Nonviolent Parenting offers materials for religion-oriented readers. The section Criando niños sin violencia is provided for Spanish readers. Other languages represented, in addition to English and Spanish, are Dutch, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian and Swedish. Project NoSpank is updated daily.
Lost Liberty Café is a website dedicated to helping slice through the obscuring, illusory surface of distracting myths to expose the deeply embedded roots of violence in the world today.