


Abandoning mode of parent-child relations, 61, 136, 291-297
Abraham, Karl, 243
Adamic, Louis, 32, J23
Aeschines, 51-52
Alchemy, 297
Ambisexuality, 54
Ambivalent mode of parent-child relations, 62, 111,136, 291-297
American personality, 105-116
American Revolution, 112-116, 231, 235
Amniotic fluid, 252
Apache, 15,16
Apprenticeship, 36
Aries, Phillipe, 4, 5
Aristippus, 23
Aristotle, 51, 52, 53
Association for Applied Psychoanalysis, 2
Augustine, St., 2, 10
Aulus Gellius, 38
Australian aborigines, 273-275

Band, military, 270
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 11
Batty, Bartholomew, 49
Beating of children
see Children, beating of
Beethovan, Ludwig van, 47
Beisel, David, 143, 236
Bible, 17
Binion, Rudolph, 102, 178-179
Bion, W. It., 135, 261, 301
Birth, 257-258, 270
see also Rebirth Fantasies
Bloch, Dorothy, 27, 117
Bogies (bogeymen), 11-14
Bossard, James, 2
Boston Tea Party, 114-115
Boyer, L. Bryce, 16, 17
Breast-feeding, see Nursing
Breasts of children, 19
Brunt, P. A., 119
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 304, 310
Buckley, William F., Jr., 308
Bull-roarers, 275-276

Carter, Jimmy, 147-168, 221-230, 299-311
Castration of children, 54
Catal Huyuk, 287
Childbirth, see Birth
Childhood (children)

abandonment of, 35-37
abuse of, 3, 109
accidents to, 9
as “changeling,”
as hostages, 35
as mother’s lover, 22
as “toilet,” 10, 11
beating of, 4, 8, 46-49, 284-285
concept of, invention of, S
education, 51
exorcizing, 17
freezing, 34
history of, 4-6
love and empathy for, 18, 110
mutilating, 33
of presidents, 162-163
reactions to, 7-23
retardation, 60
throwing, 34
sale of, 35
sexuality, 8, 50-58
swaddling of, 11, 4143, 110

Christ, see Jesus Christ
Christianity, 267, 291-297
Chrysostom, Dio, 11,13
Circumcision (subincision), 25-26, 57, 275, 283
Cold baths, 34-35
Coleman, Emily, 118
Concretization, frightening of children and, 14
Coram, Thomas, 32
Cosmic battle, 270-271, 282
Cosmic Tree (Tree of Life), 264, 266, 278
Council of Nicea, 181
Cowgill, Ursula M., 120
Cross, Holy, 264, 292-294
Cuban Missile Crisis, 218-220


Dean, John, 198, 205
Delegate-group, 138
Despert, J. Louise, 5
Devil, 10, 33
Dominici, Giovanni, 48, 55
“Double” (twin), 282-283, 289, 290
Double bind, 8
Double image, 7
Dragon, see Serpent
DuMaurier, George, 19

Ebel, Henry, 102,104, 148
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 156, 160,163-164, 211-215
Eliade, Mircea, 262, 269, 281, 287
Elovitz, Paul, 148
Enemas, 45-46
Erotic Materialism Group-Fantasy, 237-238
Eucharist, 293, 296
Euripides, 27
Evolutionary theory of history, 2-3

Fallopius, 56
Fantasy Analysis, 150-152, 194-195
Fehr, Elizabeth, 248, 251
Fetal fantasies, 143-146, 152, 244-247, 261-316
Fetus, 251-260, see also Suffering Fetus
Feudal Hierarchy Group-Fantasy, 237-238
Filicide, see Infanticide
Fine, Reuben, 173
Flag (flagpole), 268, 269-270
Fleiss, Robert, 58
Fodor, Nandor, 97-98, 248, 249
Ford, Gerald, 158, 168
Forgie, George, 232
Freud, Sigmund, 2, 58, 62, 137, 173, 247, 249, 251
Frightening of children, see Bogies

Gallup Poll, 158, 209-210, 221, 223
Gerson, Jean, 56, 57
Glans, 26
Goads, 4849
Goodlin, Robert, 256
Graber, Gustav, 248
“Great Awakening,” 112, 233, 235
Great Demographic Transition, 112
“Great Mother,” 284, 287
Greenacre, Phyllis, 248, 259
Grof, Stanislav, 248, 250, 258, 283
Group-delusion, 186-187, 230-236
Group-fantasies, 91, 93-94, 102,112, 137-139, 143, 145, 148,154, 172-239, 245-247, 261-316
Group-psychotic insight, 187-188, 304
Group-trance, 188, 192
Guibert of Nogent, Abbot, 10, 55

Hagen, Everett E., 87
Haig, Alexander, 316
Hall, Calvin, 248
Hamilton, Alexander, 19
Hartman, John, 148, 221
Headhunting, see Skull Cults
Heaven, 264, 270
Herlihy, David, 117-118
Helping mode of parent-child relations, 63, 136
Hempel, Carl, 84
Heroard, Jean, see Louis XIII
Hippler, Arthur, 274
Historical group-fantasies, see Group-fantasies
History of childhood, see Childhood, history of
Hitler, Adolf, 96, 99, 162, 187, 299
Hofstadter, Richard, 231
Holy Ghost, 293-294
Homer, 17
Homosexuality, 50-53
Hunt, David, 5, 46
Hypoxia, 256-258

Individualism, philosophical, 82, 133
Infanticidal mode of parent-child relations, 61, 136, 272-291
Infanticide, 26-32, 108-109, 117-123, 274, 277, 285
Infibulation, 26
Institute for Psychohistory, 148, 149
Intrusive Mode of parent-child relations, 62, 110, 136, 297-299
Iranian “Crisis,” 299-311

Janov, Arthur, 94, 251, 258
Jericho, 29
Jesus Christ, 181, 264, 267, 292-293
Jews, 99, 187
Johnson, Lyndon, 157, 192


Kennedy, John F., 156,188,190, 215-220
Kett, Joseph, 117
Kinship Magic Group-Fantasy, 236-238
Kissinger, Henry, 93, 168
Klein, Melanie, 248, 279, 286, 297
Korean War, 182

Lance, Bert, 222-224
Lascaux, cave drawing, 278
Laslett, Peter, 2
Leaders, 91, 138-139, 147, 174-176, 245-246
Leroi-Gourhan, Andre, 272, 277-280
Liley, Albert, 255
Lincoln, Abraham, 95
Little, Ralph, 248
Locke, John, 4
Louis XIII, King of France, 6, 19, 23-25, 45, 47, 53
Luther, Martin, 10, 33, 45

Maimonides, Moses, 25
Marshack, Alexander, 272-273, 278
Martial, 17
Masturbation, 57-58
Mather, Cotton, 9
Menander, 29
Menninger, Karl, 248
Menstruation, 267, 269, 273, 275-276, 283
Mesolithic, psychology of, 285
Milton, John, 47
Money-Kyrle, Roger, 248
Montaigne, 46
Morelli, Giovanni, 18
Mothers, pregnant, 254-256
Mott, Francis, 248-250
Motivation, science of, 87-88
Musonius Rufus, 28, 51

Navel (omphalos) (axis mundi), 262-264, 297
Neolithic, psychology of, 284-288
Nixon, Richard F., 157, 160, 162, 200, 310
Nixon Tapes, 193-208
Nurses, see Wet-nurses
Nurturant Placenta, 144, 259, 261
Nurturant Umbilicus, 268-270

Obstetrics, 251-252
Oedipus complex, 174-175, 259, 287
Opium, for children, 40
Otto, Rudolf, 262
Otis, James, Jr., 116
“Overlaying” (suffocation of infants), 23

Paleolithic, psychology of, 272-274, 276-284
Paranoid collapse, 184-186, 216
Paternalistic Absolutism Group-Fantasy, 237-238
Payne, George, 5
Personality types, 142
Pelz-nickel, 14
Philo, 25, 30
Placenta, 252-258, 282, 288-289
see also Nurturant Placenta, Poisonous Placenta
Plato, 2, 42, 51, 53
Pliny, 20
Ploye, P. M., 248
Plutarch, 40, 51, 53, 285
Poisonous Placenta, 259, 261, 263-266, 271, 275, 277, 298, 302, 303
Pollution fantasies, 267, 269
Polybius, 28
Primitive tribes, 141
Projection, 6-10, 15
Psychoclass, 139-140, 183-184
Psychogenic theory of history, 3, 63, 82, 106, 132-146, 177
Psychohistory, 84-90,106,132-134
Psychospeciation, 106-108

Quintillian, 51

Racist Nationalism Group-Fantasy, 237-238
Rank, Otto, 247, 248, 249
Raskovsky, Arnoldo, 248, 251
Reagan, Ronald, 311-317
Rebirth fantasies, 19, 93-99, 112-146, 208, 245-247, 261-316
Reformation, 296
Reik, Theodore, 7
Restgraints, physical, 4345
Reversal Reaction, 6, 18-23
Rheingold, Joseph, 26-27, 117
Richter, John Paul, 14
Rogin, Michael Paul, 236
Roheim, Geza, 2
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 4, 48


Runciman, Steven, 86
Russell, J.C., 119

Sacred, 262, 267, 276
Sacrifice, 29, 262, 267, 271, 293-294, 305, 310, 311
Saffady, William, 296
Satan, 296
Skull cults, headhunting, 281-282
Seneca, 28, 33
Serpent (snake, dragon), 264-266, 270-271, 275
Sewall, Samuel, 110
Sex ratios of children, 31, 109,117-123
Sloan, William, 4
Socializing mode of parent-child relations, 62,136, 297-299
Soranus, 42
Stella, Jacques, 13
Stott, Dennis, 255
Suffering Fetus, 266, 267
Swaddling, see Children, swaddling of

Taurobolium, 288
Taylor, A. J. P., 87
Taylor, G. Rattray, S
Technology, 3, 140-141
Toilet training, 4546
Trauma, 259
Trexler, Richard, 120
Truman, Harry 5., 160

Umbilicus, 144-145, 252, 258
see also Nurturant Umbilicus

Valentine, Alan, S
Vegio, Maflo, 14
“Venus” statuettes, 263, 276, 277

Walking, first, 60
War, 90-93, 161, 191
and birth fantasies, 93-99,145, 230-236, 309
Watergate, 199, 201
Weaning, 39-40
Wesley, Susannah, 48
Wet-nurses, 37-38
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 93, 95
Winnicott, D. W., 248
Womb, 248, 251, 253
Womb-surround, 144, 297